This project is a collaboration of the University of Malta and the Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society

The vision of the University of Malta is to be among the leading institutions in higher education, contributing to the development of our region, our country and society in general. We will continue our long tradition of developing the knowledge required to help Malta flourish as a small island nation and a member state of the wider international community.
Our mission is to serve the aspirations of the people of these islands through the provision of quality higher education in the arts, sciences, social sciences, the humanities and other areas of knowledge as required for Malta’s economic, social and cultural development through the scholarship of critical inquiry, discovery, research and service to the community. The University will deliver these functions in a sustainable manner that is responsive to this country’s present and emergent needs.
As a member of the European Higher Education Area and signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum, we are committed to the values of academic freedom, institutional autonomy, good governance, accountability, equality and social responsibility. The UM is represented by Prof Alfred Vella, Rector.
Prof. Marie Briguglio, University of Malta is the project’s Principal investigator.

The Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society believes in an aspirational, inclusive, just, equitable and eco-friendly society where all people may grow, enjoy a quality life which is sustainable, and engage in productive and meaningful relationships. In such a society nobody is sidelined and human rights and dignity are respected.
The Foundation works towards achieving positive social change through: Advocacy. The Foundation will advocate tirelessly for active citizenship and social responsibility to one another as human beings, at community level, nationally as well as internationally; Community-based projects. The Foundation pledges to coordinate community-based projects which are research-informed; Safe spaces. The Foundation will provide safe spaces for human encounters and dialogues; Alliances. The Foundation will forge alliances with other entities within civil society, and with local and international institutions, to avoid duplication and to promote collectivity as an antidote to individualism and territorialism; Measurement. The Foundation seeks to develop appropriate mechanisms to measure wellbeing on a national level, so that these findings can direct its future work and areas of focus as well as influence governmental policy.
The MFWS is represented by President Emeritus, H.E. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and Mr. Carmel Briffa, Director.